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Serving All of Cape Cod, the South Shore and Nantucket & Martha's Vineyard

Tim Baker & Sons Tree Service


The best time to prune or trim trees and shrubs is during the late winter while they’re dormant. Pruning during the dormant season is ideal because:

  • The wounds heal faster, keeping the plant strong.
  • There is less risk of disease or pest infestation.
  • There is less sap flowing. Bleeding sap doesn’t really hurt the tree, but it’s messy and can attract pests.
  • It’s easier to see what you’re doing while the leaves are gone.

Pruning Guidelines:

  • Conifers: Prune in late winter while fully dormant.
  • Nonblooming Trees and Shrubs: Prune in late winter while fully dormant.
  • Summer-blooming Trees and Shrubs: Prune in late winter.
  • Spring-blooming Trees and Shrubs: Wait until immediately after they bloom. They are the exception to the rule, but you still should prune them as early as you can.

You can do the following any time of year:

  • Trim back small tree branches (the size you can cut with handheld lopping shears).
  • Lightly shape hedges and conifers.
  • Remove dead or diseased branches. If you live in an area prone to hurricanes or ice storms, it’s important to remove weakened branches in the fall – it’s better to prune at the wrong time than to have your tree injured by a storm!

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